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Web Style Guide

Protect and maintain your brand over the long term with a web style guide.

After you’ve invested in a fantastic new brand and website, you want to ensure it’s well maintained over time. Web style guides are a critical component. A web style guide empowers stakeholders and designers to stay aligned with look-and-feel, tone, and other details that comprise the experience.

Akendi web style guide designers

Experiences defined

  • Maintain your web look-and-feel over the long term
  • Ensure that new contributors stay on-brand and on-message
  • Communicate design, content, and development standards to our designers

Ready for a free consultation?

+44 (0)1223 853907 (UK)
+1 416.855.3367 (CAN)


What you get

  • Professionally developed and beautifully designed style guides that you and your stakeholders will take pride in
  • Knowledge transfer of design, UX, and style conventions to empower your gatekeepers and stakeholders
  • Long-term consistency in the experience that your brand, web, product, and service deliver

How we do it

  • Brand style guide – a document for designers and marketers that defines proper use of the corporate identity, colour palette, and other visual elements.
  • User experience style guides – documents for software engineering teams that define proper use of user experience elements, such as buttons, labels, colours, icons, and other visual elements.
  • Web content style guide – a document for content developers and editors that defines the personality, tone, and style conventions for the organization’s written output.
Akendi web style guide designers Akendi web style guide designers Akendi web style guide designers

What you get

By documenting your identity and experience in style guides, you help ensure continuity and consistency in all of your designs, products, and services over the long term. You’ll get:

By documenting your identity and experience in style guides, you help ensure continuity and consistency in all of your designs, products, and services over the long term. You’ll get:

  • Professionally developed and beautifully designed style guides that you and your stakeholders will take pride in
  • Knowledge transfer of design, UX, and style conventions to empower your gatekeepers and stakeholders
  • Long-term consistency in the experience that your brand, web, product, and service deliver

Clients we've helped with experience design

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Clients we've helped with Experience Design






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Finance & Insurance


Lending Stream



Royal Bank of Scotland

Riyad Bank

Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking™ process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
Learn more about our process
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