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Usability Review

Be guided by deep usability expertise.

When it’s not feasible or practical to test products and user experiences with users, a usability design expert can be the next best thing. During a usability review, we’ll rigorously analyze and evaluate your interface from a user experience (UX) perspective against our established usability principles.

Akendi ux usability testing & review

experiences validated

  • How does our digital product experience perform against usability principles?
  • Are we adhering to UX industry best practices?
  • What should we prioritize in our design to improve the usability?

Ready for a free consultation?

+44 (0)1223 853907 (UK)


What you get

  • A clear report of our findings that makes it easy to understand and to communicate to your team and other stakeholders
  • Understanding of where your current experience design falls short, and the impacts of that
  • Clarity on what usability improvements to prioritize and why

How we do it

  • Consult with your stakeholders to understand the users, known challenges, and goals for the usability review.
  • Our UX team takes a task-based approach evaluate how the experience performs against industry usability principles and best practices.
  • We can review a wide variety of experiences including: websites, intranets, mobile apps, software, legacy systems and (medical) hardware devices.
  • The experiences we review range from in market systems to early prototypes, wireframes, various clickable formats or early product code.
  • We analyze the severity of usability issues found and recommend design improvements for your team to include in any redesign work.
Akendi ux usability testing & review Akendi ux usability testing & review Akendi ux usability testing & review

What you get

You’ll benefit from our deep experience in usability reviews, as well as our design perspective on how to make important improvements. You’ll get:

You’ll benefit from our deep experience in usability reviews, as well as our design perspective on how to make important improvements. You’ll get:

  • A clear report of our findings that makes it easy to understand and to communicate to your team and other stakeholders
  • Understanding of where your current experience design falls short, and the impacts of that
  • Clarity on what usability improvements to prioritize and why

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Explore other types of experience testing

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Clients we've helped with experience testing

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Clients we've helped with Experience Testing






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking™ process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
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