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Service Personas

Keep customers front-and-centre as you plan and design the service experience.

Ensuring a customer-centric service is easier to do when you research your customers’ behaviour and include stand-ins of your customers in the design process. That’s the power of service personas! We’ll work with you to develop personas that keep real customers top-of-mind during service design and development.

Akendi service personas research

experience insights

  • What are the users' expectations of the service?
  • Where do they approach us, what is their environment and context?
  • How do we keep our customer engaged and part of our ecosystem?

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+1 866.585.1660 (CAN)
+44 (0)1223 853907 (UK)


What you get

  • A customized visualization of service personas that can be shared throughout your organization. This reference keeps customers top-of-mind during while the service experience is designed and maintained.
  • Knowledge and understanding of who your customers are, how they think, and what they need to achieve their goals.
  • Validation of assumptions about customers; clarity on their motivations; and insights into ways you can surprise and delight them during onboarding or purchase.

How we do it

  • We’ll conduct collaborative workshops with internal stakeholders and staff to capture valuable in-house knowledge about your service experience and the customers.
  • We’ll conduct service persona research with actual customers, gathering both qualitative and quantitative data through interviews, surveys and diary studies, validating any assumptions, and gaining new insights.
  • We will visualize service personas that represent each key customer segment, bringing the customer to life and keeping them front and center during service design and development.
Akendi service personas researchers Akendi service personas research Akendi service personas researchers

What you get

Our broad and deep experience in service persona research lets us hit the ground running with proven processes and tools. You’ll get:

Our broad and deep experience in service persona research lets us hit the ground running with proven processes and tools. You’ll get:

  • A customized visualization of service personas that can be shared throughout your organization. This reference keeps customers top-of-mind during while the service experience is designed and maintained.
  • Knowledge and understanding of who your customers are, how they think, and what they need to achieve their goals.
  • Validation of assumptions about customers; clarity on their motivations; and insights into ways you can surprise and delight them during onboarding or purchase.

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Explore other experience research

Customer Journey MappingCX Journey
Intranet personasIntranet
customer personasCustomer

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Clients we've helped with experience research

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Clients we've helped with Experience Research






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Finance & Insurance


Lending Stream



Royal Bank of Scotland

Riyad Bank

Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking™ process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
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