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Web Usability Testing

Uncover what users experience

A website that’s truly effective for users can increase uptake, reduce abandonment, improve brand recognition, and minimize support calls. We’ll work with you on web usability testing to give you confidence and direction as you launch or re-launch your website.

Akendi web usability testing

experiences validated

  • Is the website easy to use and easy to navigate?
  • Will users easily find information and complete their user journeys?
  • Will visitors enjoy the website, feel good about the brand, and recommend to others?

Ready for a free consultation?

+1 866.585.1660 (CAN)
+44 (0)1223 853907 (UK)


What you get

  • A full analysis of the quantitative and qualitative test data.
  • The root causes of each usability issue found and the usability best practices to follow.
  • Practical, prioritized design recommendations for website usability improvements.

How we do it

  • Consult with your stakeholders to understand needs, goals, and challenges for the website usability testing study.
  • Create the test protocol and determine the research metrics, recruit participants, and conduct the test session with each participant.
  • Provide an analysis of the test results that is clear, actionable for designers, and easy to communicate to others stakeholders in your organization.
Akendi usability testing company Akendi usability testing services Akendi web usability testing agency

What you get

You’ll receive a comprehensive website usability testing report. It will assess the quality of your site’s experience in the hands of users, and will include:

You’ll receive a comprehensive website usability testing report. It will assess the quality of your site’s experience in the hands of users, and will include:

  • A full analysis of the quantitative and qualitative test data.
  • The root causes of each usability issue found and the usability best practices to follow.
  • Practical, prioritized design recommendations for website usability improvements.

Clients we've helped with experience testing

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Clients we've helped with Experience Testing






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking™ process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
Learn more about our process
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