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UX Strategy for AI

Effectively Integrate Data Science Research and AI Modelling into your UX strategy plan

Traditional Qualitative and Quantitative research techniques can give powerful insights on your customers and users and often drive product strategy. Emerging techniques in AI and data science have the potential to complement these methods, if they are correctly integrated with these traditional methods. The insights each feed off one another, rather than being different streams of independent data. This ensures that you have a holistic UX design strategy that includes AI/data science without sacrificing traditional proven UX methods.

Akendi intranet strategy

questions answered

  • What do users & customers really need from our AI?
  • Why is the AI experience failing? Why don’t they use it?
  • How can we get the organization on board with a UX strategy?

Ready for a free consultation?

+1 416.855.3367 (CAN)
+44 (0)1223 853907 (UK)


What you get

  • An ecosystem map, provisional customer journey and personas with the key areas for potential research identified
  • Annotated customer journey maps with opportunities for data analysis and tracking
  • An assessment based on what data is currently not available and/or interpreted that is relevant to the product or service design
  • A recommended strategy with qualitative, statistical and/or data science opportunities for insights

How we do it

  • Through in-depth internal stakeholders interviews and strategy and planning workshops, we’ll map out the business, ux and AI challenges/opportunities using a combination of methods.
  • The tools we collaboratively employ include: Ecosystem Mapping, System Effect Analysis, Current State/Future State SWOT, Service Blueprinting
  • Leading to Provisional Customer Journeys, Provisional Personas, Integrated Research and Product Planning
  • Develop an integrated and focused product plan that combines data science and UX research approaches as well as your existing UX design and development approach.
Akendi UX strategy for AI ML Akendi UX strategy for data science Akendi UX strategy for ML AI

What you get

You’ll benefit from our deep experience in UX strategies for AI. You’ll get:

You’ll benefit from our deep experience in UX strategies for AI. You’ll get:

  • An ecosystem map, provisional customer journey and personas with the key areas for potential research identified
  • Annotated customer journey maps with opportunities for data analysis and tracking
  • An assessment based on what data is currently not available and/or interpreted that is relevant to the product or service design
  • A recommended strategy with qualitative, statistical and/or data science opportunities for insights

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Clients we've helped with Experience Strategy






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Finance & Insurance


Lending Stream



Royal Bank of Scotland

Riyad Bank

Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
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