Virtual Experience Design Team (VXT™) Services


Digital Transformation Virtual Experience Design Team (VXT™)

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Virtual Experience Team (VXT™)

Execute your UX projects to the highest quality whilst building your team

Many organisations prefer to build their own UX team but don't know where to start. Akendi can complement, train and coach your team helping you deliver the best possible experience whilst your team is learning and growing.

Akendi virtual experience design teams

accelerate innovation

  • A virtual UX team that delivers best in class experiences from day one
  • Scalable support that helps your team grow in maturity and size
  • Training for your staff to embed Experience Thinking into your organisation

Ready for a free consultation?

+44 (0)1223 853907

What you get

  • Instant access to an experienced professional UX team with all the skills needed to fill in your skill gaps at any level in your organisation.
  • Ongoing guidance, training, and support from the founders of Experience Thinking
  • A well-proven UX approach tailored to your specific design processes.
  • A fast-track to your own UX-team avoiding all the common pitfalls of starting an in-house UX team from scratch.

How we do it

  • After understanding your requirements we jump in and complement your team by adding our experienced professionals as early as needed.
  • Train your teams to introduce UX design into your organisation.
  • Coach your team so they can learn 'on-the-job' with the support of a UX professional.
  • Embed an ISO compliant design process into your organisation.
  • Help you recruit new high quality staff to, over time, replace us.
Akendi virtual experience design teams Akendi virtual experience design teams Akendi virtual experience design teams

What you get

UX projects executed to the highest standards with a team consisting of your and our staff. Specifically:

UX projects executed to the highest standards with a team consisting of your and our staff. Specifically:

  • Instant access to an experienced professional UX team with all the skills needed to fill in your skill gaps at any level in your organisation.
  • Ongoing guidance, training, and support from the founders of Experience Thinking
  • A well-proven UX approach tailored to your specific design processes.
  • A fast-track to your own UX-team avoiding all the common pitfalls of starting an in-house UX team from scratch.

Clients we've helped with experience design

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Clients we've helped with Experience Design






Saudi Telecom

Telecom Italia Group









Finance & Insurance


Lending Stream



Royal Bank of Scotland

Riyad Bank

Government & Public Service

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water



The Cabinet Office



Pearson College

St. Mary's University

University of Leicester

Our approach
Our Experience Thinking™ process underpins every project we undertake. It recognizes users and stakeholders as critical contributors to the design cycle. The result is powerful insights and intuitive design solutions that meet real users' and customers' needs.
Learn more about our process
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help you?